About Us

Why Us or maybe why Not Us

Thank you for finding Inspectoroo.  We have been inspecting homes for amazing buyers like yourself, before it was a required part of the typical real estate contract & before states required home inspectors to be licensed.  We started our home inspection business because we care about ensuring home buyers are educated in regards to the current condition of the home they are about to purchase.  

We do really appreciate that you have found us…. before proceeding we want to warn you, we speak frank about the industry and the process of home inspections, so of you would rather live in a fairy tale world and we appreciate that, please don’t read any further.  For those of you who appreciate things being direct & in the open, giddy up and keep reading. 

 See if you can relate, you and your spouse have been searching endlessly for your dream home and them boom you found it, yay.  The realtor rushed your offer right over to the buyer, they accepted and now you have been tasked with scheduling the home inspection immediately.  Wow, right this is all moving so fast.  Many home buyers feel rushed into choosing the first available, or the cheapest or the home inspector their realtor recommended.  Inspectoroo is the home inspector that other professionals want inspecting the homes they are about to purchase.  Unfortunately, some inexperienced or not so professional realtors will hire a quality inspector like us when they purchase a home for themselves but don’t always recommend a quality inspector to their client.  At the end of the day many realtors just want you to buy the house, as quickly possible and they will say call this guy/or gal  “he/she is awesome”, “he/she never missed anything”, “he/she is cheap” and “he/she is available”.  Let’s slow this fantasy show down and break all that apart. 

 If the inspector the realtor is recommending is so good, why are they so cheap??? We both know you get what you pay for (cheap equals poor quality).  If the inspector the realtor is recommending is so thorough why are they typically able to schedule 3 or 4 home inspections a day??? Some home inspectors have learned there may be more money to be made by charging less, giving less service and doing more terrible inspections each day (especially when they are not capable of giving better service) How can these inspectors do the inspection so fast you may ask, well my dear “they are box checkers, not home inspectors”.   The box checker will speed down the list and check off each item and make you feel all warm and fuzzy, until you open your eyes (for those of you need a visual, think about the last time you were in a fast food restaurant bathroom, you know the one we are talking about the one where it smells like the elephant area at the local zoo.  See the bathroom has this placard on bathroom door & it has all the proper checkmarks to show that someone was routinely inspecting the bathroom yet the bathroom, well the bathroom was, let’s say less than cleanly.  A checked box is useless if it wasn’t really inspected.   How can the home inspector devote the proper time and attention when they are rushing?  Well, as you now can see, they can’t.  If the inspector is so qualified how are they always available???  Do you know of any Dr’s or restaurant’s that are excellent that are not busy, nope us neither (always available means they suck)?  

 Inspectoroo’s goal is to provide you with a non-emotional non biased inspection of your homes current condition.  We are not there to judge your future home (your friends will do that for free).  We are there to inspect your future home and to educate you about it.  For most people this is single largest purchase you will make.  Ask yourself do I really want to hire anyone to look over this single largest investment i am about to make?   Maybe I came across Inspectoroo because I value knowledge, service & directness.  We are here ready and willing to politely, kindly and when appropriate with humor tell you like it is.  We will focus our inspection to what is working adequately and what is not.  Amen. 



“We are not box checker’s we are quality home inspector’s” . 

We so look forward to educating you about your dream home……Pura Vida 

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